Saturday, September 23, 2006

So its been around a week since ive been in london.. been wanting to blog for a while, just been busyyyy lol.. have to do everythin.. cook, clean.. and noo im not complaining.. im actually enjoying it lol..

londons really pretty and quiet..and the undeground systems not a tad bit difficult.. id heard from a few that it was difficult.. and well id agree except its quite difficult to get lost.. :D

The nights dont feel like nights! lol.. its sooo bright! The first night there were no visible stars. The night later i could only see 4 stars! i meannnn the idea of being able to count stars is soooo... (can't think of a right word) lol..

(Sorry no pictures this time.. lol)

Monday, September 11, 2006

0 chem animations yet again!

So i noticed the chem animations did nothing.. lol..
Uploaded them again on blogger.. still same thing.. thn i realised it converted the .gif files to .png causing the image to lose its main propertyyyy!
Finally decided to uploaded them on
Free Image Hosting

Thursday, September 07, 2006

2 The dayssss!

Graduation day tomorrowwww..! Gosh time's passed soooo fastt! Anyways been clearing out a few stuff.. and came across a few scribbles done by my friends and I.. Had a few scanned from before..

The document of naughtiness:

Chem Class:

My Harry Potter days at the back of my economics book:

Economics Class :

Sakeena's Caricature during economics lesson:
