So i noticed the chem animations did nothing.. lol.. Uploaded them again on blogger.. still same thing.. thn i realised it converted the .gif files to .png causing the image to lose its main propertyyyy! Finally decided to uploaded them on Free Image Hosting
An East African Asian who has lived in Mombasa 93.23% of her life.
Now spending the 7.77% of her current life in Education studies and battling with home-sickness!
"Paradoxes of the infinite arise only when we attempt, with our finite minds, to discuss the infinite, assigning to it those properties which we give to the finite and limited" Galileo Galilei "Corruption has turned our joys into pains, our dreams into nightmares, our achievements into shame, our heroes into villains, our strengths into liabilities and our hope into despair." Raila Odinga "I am a revolutionary.' And you're gonna have to keep on sayin' that. You're gonna have to say that 'I am a proletariat I am the people, I'm not the pig." Fred Hampton
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