Wednesday, November 22, 2006

9 Random II

Hmm.. my first post from uni.. :D lol..
I've been having weeks of continous tests that never seemed to end.. I noticed the 'when moors ruled europe' video has not been workingg.. don't know what's wrong.. will try to fix it later..

Anywaysssss... I found the top picture in my drafts.. thought of putting it up.. Everything looks sooo sunny there.. :D lol.. i miss the 'sunlight days'... :'(


neuroticnoon said...


yeah exams are ongoing, tis life!

btw are you studying maths or photogrpahy?

gosh thats a rare site here i can see why you'd miss home.


Sayyeda said...


im doing maths.. :D

photographys a pleasant pastime :)


Khalil said...

Nic photo. Bey ur missing the weather. Way too cold over here...

Sayyeda said...

yeahh it gets really cold sometimes.. but what i really like is i can finally use an umbrella :D lol..

Khalil said...

Well u can pretyy much keep ur Umbrella open full time till May. If you think it's cold now just wait till it gets properly cold. What about the sea? All Mombasa people say they miss the sea...

Sayyeda said...

hmm... havn't really missed the sea so far maybe cuz i tried to make the most of it whilst i ws ther..:D :D

what i reallyyy miss is the restaurants :'(

Anonymous said...

is that the view from ure house sayyeda?!! OH MAN..i miss mombasa so very much!..truly the sunlit days..!

Anonymous said...

speaking of restaurants..i was telling kuslum im going to write an ode to the microwave-able pizza and pasta that i live on up here in TO!..its all good! ;)

Sayyeda said...

Send me the poem once you're done writing it :D

I've been having proper food here.. just the other day i had mohogo/mogo, but there was a difference in taste..