Sunday, February 24, 2008

6 The little terrorist

Jamal, a Pakistani Muslim, crosses the India-Pakistan fence to fetch his cricket ball..
[The first few seconds is blank]


Anonymous said...

Lovely! of the best 15 minute movies iv watched!5 stars!..:)

Sayyeda said...

I read somewhere its based on a true story.

Anonymous said...

even better! :)

Anonymous said...

even better! :)

Anonymous said...

That was indeed a good watch. I know all Hindus don't follow the 'Muslims are impure' rule, because I've checked with the reasonably religious Hindu friends I have. I do though remember my aunt had a friend she'd visit and everytime she came to leaving (she observed from a distance), they'd wash the porch she sat on and smash the glass she had used.

She took my sister and I once and insisted we sat on the car and drank from the one glass, which we found odd. She only explained that it'd save them some bother, so we complied, but couldn't help but laugh from surprise when we heard the glass we'd just drank from being smashed in the back yard. She then explained it was quite a normal a thing to occur when one visits their Hindu friends and "just their way of doing things", which I appreciate now as quite open-minded. I think eventually, she stopped accepting invites nonetheless.

Sayyeda said...

I was not aware until this movie, that there existed a rule of this kind.

Interesting experiences you mentioned there.