Sunday, January 27, 2008

10 Evolving into something else..

The handshake between the 2 protagonist leaders did not help my country much. The violence continued. More people were injured, more people died. It's not like I really expected every hatred directed at the 2 men and their allies to disappear immediately. But I hoped that it would be a stepping stone to some form of sane mediation.

We later saw Kibaki addressing the people of Kenya and calling himself the duly elected president. ODM was outraged. Meanwhile Nakuru and Naivasha have been hit by waves of violence.

My take is the leaders took too much time to meet and negotiate. The hatred started filling amongst people the day Kibaki was wrongly sworn in. And it continued filling, till it blinded them. And of course, now its too late. They have lost control. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow or in the future. All I hope is for a good fate for Kenya and its people.


Sakeena said...


Sayyeda said...

Hmm.. Hope indeed and prayers ofcourse.

Anonymous said...

Sayyeda, thank you for keeping us updated.

Sayyeda said...

* you're welcome. Hope alls well at your end. Btw I really like the soundtrack on yor blog. :D

Anonymous said...

This was interesting:

You've probably read some version of it.

Everything's fine here. Thank you. It's by Yan Teirsen. :D Amelie soundtrack apparently- I've not watched it.

Sayyeda said...

I downloaded it off your blog. lol. Couldn't find a free and clear version anywhere else.

It's so sad to know innocent children are being affected for something that is not their fault.

Anonymous said...

I just remembered that I got it off this video, which you might also like:

Sayyeda said...

oh thanks, I had a look. Reminds me of something I read recently If Kenya was 100 people. It mentioned Asians/White would just be 1! :O

Talking about soundtracks, one of my favourites is Kothbiro by Ayub Ogada ( He was born in Mombasa :D ). It's from the movie The constant Gardner. You might like it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sayyeda. I did indeed like it. Took me ages to find an English translation though! :D

Sayyeda said...
